Tom Smith May 1, 2016 – Posted in: Our Photographers
I am from a typical family background although at an early age I was in trouble with Children’s court for not attending school regularly. From there I was not allowed back home for ‘mitching’ school- stringent parents very strict so I ended up staying out of the home for one thing for another, and became used to staying out on the streets all night.
As an Adult I first became homeless when I lost my flat – the Landlord got into trouble with the banks – I could not find another at the time rents in the capital were on the increase and out of reach of social welfare recipients, so I was homeless again having to staying in hostels.
In my early twenties I was in London on and off for a few years. In the summer time I slept on a park bench.
The services there you could eat once every month there was a short stay of 4 nights, a shower, a clothes wash an meal evening, a breakfast in the am.
At the weekends services where like a factory; closing down. I would queue in line for a soup run, and groups would supply sandwiches. I mostly spent time in bus stations and train stations waiting to be paid by the dhss department health social.
The worst experience was winter. I knew of a place I was allowed to stay – it was a basement hall with high glass windows. One night I went in closing the doors for safety. It was pitch black, I was on the floor when someone knocked hard on the glass saying “open the door,” they hit the window breaking the glass sending it crashing down onto the ground. By the grace of God I didn’t get destroyed – it would have being the person I am now to be disfigured like that scarred.
For me the project reminds me of what it was like when being homeless without a home, having nowhere to shower – the things we take for granted.