Tomasz September 16, 2015 – Posted in: Our Photographers
Tomasz, originally from Poland, came to Ireland 12 years ago to find a job, to save money for a recording studio and to fight a drug and gambling addiction, which he successfully done for about 8 years.
After destroying the love of his life by relapsing in 2010, she went back to Poland and he moved to Dublin city centre.
Now, clean, Tomasz resides most nights in freephone hostels.
With a creative background, Tomasz was drawn to the project due to his love of photography. He has also started to work on some music projects as a producer/rapper/beatmaker through the internet with his friends from his hometown in Poland, and has even started to make his own music with a very basic laptop and small keyboard.
His plan now is to stay clean, find a job and record a solo hip-hop album in polish, and to take it slow… one day at a time.